CAC New / Existing Member Highlight
A benefit of being a member of Chicago Asthma Consortium (CAC) is to highlight the important work that you do and your passion for our cause! Please share your information and we will highlight you on the CAC website and in our quarterly newsletter. If you have any questions, please contact the Chicago Asthma Consortium account manager, Kim Branch at or call 888-268-8334.
First and Last Name: *
Email *
Phone number *
Company/Organization Name and Mailing Address *
What would you like to share about your work and interest in the field of asthma? *
May we share your email in for those who'd like to reach out to you?   *
Why do you find CAC beneficial (to you, your organization, your community)? *
What can you offer other members (information, resources, peer support, mentorship, etc)? *
Please send a photo of yourself to (jpg preferred)
Thank You and Next Steps
We appreciate you taking the time to submit your information. We hope this will benefit you and the membership at large to provide a resource and networking opportunity for the CAC community.

We will show you what the post will look like before sharing it on the website in case you have any changes or updates that you would like to make.

If you have questions, please contact Kim Branch at or call 888-268-8334.
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