CSA Seeking Testimonials from Students, Pine Hill Teachers & Staff, and Parents
Pine HIll Students, Teachers, Staff, and Parents:

We are working on CSA promotional materials for families/members of the Pine Hill Community, including a flyer/brochure and updated website content. We hope to highlight a few testimonials from Pine Hill’s amazing teachers, staff, students, and teachers. Please complete the 3-question form below by February 9th to let us know how the CSA’s contributions have impacted you at Pine Hill.

CSA funds the following:
1) Grade-level and All School Meeting enrichment programming - e.g., author visits to classrooms, outside entertainers (e.g., the recent acappella group, last year’s acrobat performance) for ASM a few times a year
2) Broadmoor programming to complement science curriculum
3) Teacher stipends
4) Outdoor Classroom and Garden
5) Playground upgrades 
6) Teacher and staff appreciation 
7) Challenge Success programs
8) Social events such as METCO Family Friend gatherings, International Night, ice cream social
9) Scholarships for high school seniors who are PH alumni

Thank you. 

Kara McDermott & Irene Saranteas Bassalee
Co-Vice Presidents
Pine Hill CSA

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1) Name / Anonymous
2) Role at Pine Hill 
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3) How have the CSA’s contributions impacted you or your classroom?  

The CSA provides the third-grade ornithologists with nesting boxes, bird feeders, and bird seed to attract birds to Pine Hill so that the students are able to watch them outside the classroom windows.  

The third-grade birding unit is also supported by the the CSA with visits from the Broadmoor naturalists.  The Broadmoor naturalists conducts guided walks around the Pine Hill campus and teach classroom lessons.
This year the CSA brought Windows on Wildlife to the third grade at Pine Hill as well.  The children were able to examine artifacts related to birds of prey as well as see a live American kestrel, eastern screech owl, and a barred owl.

The CSA also supports the third-grade musicians with a visit from David Coffin who brings the history of the recorder alive for his audience with his collection of recorders and music! 

International Night last year was an amazing experience!  What a wonderful addition to the Pine Hill Community!

The CSA also does a lot of behind the scene work that organizes things at Pine Hill, such as room parents, the third-grade birding person who gets the birdseed to us, and plans the third-grade Owl Prowl with Broadmoor. 

In addition, the have always organized a staff appreciation day which always special.

Each year the CSA provides teachers with a stipend that they are able to purchase items for the classroom which the budget does not cover.

So grateful for all that the CSA does for everyone at Pine Hill!  Thank you!
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