The Role of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Forest Reforestation
Join University of Minnesota Duluth Graduate researcher Shannon Meehan as she talks about her research looking at how fungi can play a role in reforestation success.
This talk will take place on Saturday 9/28 from 2-4pm @ the Boulder Lake ELC
Expect to spend time in the classroom and time out in the forest and we might just plant a tree or 2!
Summary of the talk: Out of all the natural climate solutions, reforestation has the greatest potential to maximize carbon sequestration in the United States. Given this, it is essential to discover best methods to ensure the long-term success of reforestation projects. One understudied method for improving tree seedling success is through restoring mycorrhizal communities in ecosystems that have experienced a severe disturbance. In this presentation, Shannon will describe how she is studying the effect forest disturbances have on the relationship between mycorrhizal fungi and tree seedlings in order to determine how we might be able to improve the long-term success of reforestation projects.