Tech 25 Workshop Survey
Thank you for participating in our workshop. We hope you got something out of it!

We want to hear your feedback so we can keep improving our logistics and content. Please fill out this quick survey and let us know your thoughts.
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First Name *
Last Name *
what is your preferred email? *
Please check the Class/Workshop/Meetup you attended? *
How satisfied were you with the content of the class? *
Not very
Very much
How satisfied were you with the logistics of the class? *
Communication emails
Have you taken a class or workshop before at Tech 25 before? *
Do you work in the industry? *
What were your favorite things about the workshop you attended?
If there is any additional information you'd like to share about your experience or a testimonial, please add it here. 

Any information you share here greatly helps Tech25 continue to provide industry workshops and programming.
Age Range *
How do you identify? *
Preferred pronouns *
Income Level (this info will not be shared publicly. This is strictly a formality we need for grant and funding purposes).  *
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