South Fork Business GAP Employee Interest Form
Please complete this interest form to hire GAP adults living at the Spruce Lodge in June 2023
Přihlaste se do Googlu, abyste mohli uložit dosavadní postup. Další informace
E‑mail *
Name of company *
Business owner name and phone number *
Address of company *
Number of employees I could support 25-40 hours per week from mid June 2023 through end of March 2024? *
Title of position hiring for *
Are there specific physical requirements for the position you are hiring?
Is personal transportation required for this position? *
What is the expected hourly pay rate? *
List additional benefits offered as part of employment?
What trade or skill will be developed in the individual working for your business? *
What life skills will be learned as part of working for your business? *
What shifts are you hiring for? *
Are you willing to support the team building aspects of the overall curriculum of The Gap programming by granting time off with appropriate notice by Gap leadership? *
Briefly describe the tasks required to work in the position(s) you are hiring for? *
I have a job description for the position and will send to *
I would like for someone to contact me from The Gap at Sawmill Meadow.
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