Request to reserve 32 Edgewood (32EDG) or Green Hall Gallery (GHG)
Students, faculty, and staff at the Yale School of Art should use this form to submit a request to Director of Galleries and Exhibitions A.L. Steiner and Facilities Manager John Hogan for the use of the space in 32 Edgewood Ave (32EDG) or Green Hall Gallery (GHG).

Please be aware that this space is unstaffed and requires special access approval (through this form), and that any day use requires prior arrangement with a minimum of 2 weeks notice. Longer-term use requires prior semester arrangements and should be discussed as soon as the need to use this space becomes evident.
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Select the space you're requesting: *
If you would like to use only part of the space, which part?
Please list your name(s) associated with this project/proposal: *
Please list your email and phone: *
Do you have current key card or keypad access to the space?
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Please list the names of any other faculty, staff and/or students directly associated with this proposal:
Please list the Yale NetID + UPI # for those requiring keycard access to the the space: *
Requested date(s)/term of use (this must be exact): *
Requested start time(s) of use (this must be exact): *
The earliest time you will need to enter the space to install, set up, etc.
Requested end time(s) of use (this must be exact): *
The time at which the doors can lock behind you and you no longer need access.
Please describe your intended use of the space? *
Please list the name of anyone that may be working with you in the space:
Please list any additional staffing that will be needed/required (general assistance, installation, lift use over 8', lighting adjustment, cleaning etc), and from which budget these hires will be covered:
Please describe any tables, chairs and/or equipment that will be needed for your use of the space:
If applicable, describe any audiences or general public attendance of the space while in use by you, and how oversight will be managed:
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