Hokusai & Ukiyo-e Talk/Lecture Request

Interested in a lecture for your organization or group? Follow the link below to request a talk by Curator Justin Witte or Director Diana Martinez. A representative will contact you for more information once your request is received. Please note there is a $250 honorarium for lectures. (Additionally, if you bring a group of 20 or more to visit the exhibit, your $250 honorarium will be applied to the fee.)

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Organization Name *
Primary Contact Name *
Primary Contact Phone *
Primary Contact Email *
Date Request (may list more than one) *
Time Request 
If possible, please let us know what time you would like the talk/lecture to take place
Estimated number of people expected
Organization website
Other Comments?
Please provide any other helpful information you may have about the event, such as target audience, audio/visual capabilities, in-person vs. virtual presentation, etc.
Please contact Mandy Rakow, Education and Community Engagement Coordinator at (630) 942-3018 or rakowa@cod.edu.
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