TCPR Surrender Form 
We are grateful you took the time to complete this form. Thank you for the trust you place in us. We will do our best with careful screening to ensure a good home for your bird. We understand that this can be a difficult situation. Please feel free to call or e-mail for updates.
Email *
Owner's Name *
Address, City, State, ZIP *
Email  *
Phone Number *
Bird Species *
Bird's Name *
Bird Age *
Band Number (if any)
Hatch Date (if known)
Sex *
Has the bird been sexed via DNA at the vet? *
Where did you get your bird? If the bird has had more than one owner, please tell us all you know about their history. *
Is your bird hand tame? *
Do you have children? *
Can they handle the bird?
Does your bird like strangers? *
Does your bird like other birds? *
Does your bird like other pets? *
What does your parrot say so we may recognize it? *

It helps us to know how you fed your bird and the daily routines in your bird's life, so we can place them in the proper environment. What is your birds daily diet? List brand names


Any vitamins or herbal treatments given?


Does your bird eat fruit or veggies? Favorite & how prepared


How often do you feed your bird these & people food - Describe please


Sleeping Habits: Hours per night? Cover Cage?


Daytime: How many hours is your bird home alone?


Do you leave music or tv on?


How often is your bird out of the cage?


Does your bird have a play gym? Favorite toys?

Do you bathe your bird? How often?

Is your bird destructive? Describe


Cage Size


Does your bird have any medical conditions that require special housing?

To aid us in helping your bird, please describe why you need to give him up, i.e.: behavior problems, changes in your life, etc. Please be specific.


Veterinarian Clinic Info: Please include Vet's name, phone, and address


Date of last visit? Reason?


How often do you take your bird to the Vet?


Has your bird been micro-chipped? Brand?

Tested and/or vaccinated for Polyoma?

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Has your bird ever had any illnesses or surgeries? If so, describe

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Describe your birds overall health

A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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