TML 23/24 Registration
Register yourself for the Trustworthy Machine Learning lecture for Winter Semester 2023-2024. For more details of the course, please refer to
Adreça electrònica *
What is your name? Please write down your full, official name, as it appears on the transcripts. *
Let us know if you have a preferred name.
What is your preferred email address? It doesn't have to be a uni-tuebingen address. We will use this email address for sending you announcements and scores/grades for the exercises and exams. *
What is your matriculation number? *
What is your Studienfach? (CS, ML, ...) *
What is your Studiengang? (has to be MSc) *
S'enviarà un correu electrònic amb una còpia de les teves respostes a l'adreça que has proporcionat.
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