Flush and Go OR Flush and Grow - Which one are you ? - Feedback on the toilet installation on Jammie Plaza

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. 

This survey is part of a Khusela Ikamva research initiative to gather student, staff, and visitor perspectives on the water sustainability. Your feedback is valuable and will contribute to our efforts in promoting sustainable water practices at UCT.

The survey will take approximately 3-5 minutes to complete. Your responses will remain confidential, and any data provided will be anonymised to ensure your privacy.

By participating, you’re helping us better understand how UCT can engage the community in meaningful ways to address water conservation. Feel free to share your thoughts, impressions, and ideas!

Let’s make a difference together—one flush at a time!

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Consent to Participate
By participating in this survey, I acknowledge that:

I have been informed about the purpose of the research, which is to gather insights on students’ perspectives on water sustainability and the installation event. My participation in this survey is voluntary, and I may withdraw at any time without any consequences.My responses will remain confidential, and any data provided will be anonymised to protect my identity. I understand that there are no risks or direct benefits to participating in this survey. I have had the opportunity to ask questions about the research and understand that I can contact the researcher at any time for further information.
Are you a student or a staff member ?
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In which faculty are you?
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How often do you actively think about water conservation in your daily life?
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Have you previously engaged in any campus activities related to sustainability?
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Do you know of any measures in place by the university that reduces the amount of water used? 
What is your level of concern about Cape Town's water issues?
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What was your initial reaction to the installation?
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Did the installation change how you view water usage, particularly when flushing toilets? If so, how?
What are your thoughts on using greywater and wastewater for purposes such as growing vegetables?
Would you support efforts on campus for wastewater treatment and reuse? 
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How can UCT better promote sustainable water practices among campus users?
Please leave your contact details if you are interested in discussing any of these topics further. We are looking for people to interview and would love to hear from you about any or all of these topics.Untitled Title
Thank you very much for your time. 
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