CELEBRATE RECOVERY interest survey
Matthew Road Baptist Church is in the midst of training facilitators now for Celebrate Recovery which we hope to have up and running by January 2022.

What is Celebrate Recovery?
A typical Celebrate Recovery meeting includes:
*A larger group meeting
*Open share small groups
*Newcomers 101 (for your first week only)

The large group meeting is designed for the participant to set aside the busyness and stress of the outside world by entering into a time of prayer, praise and worship, and teaching as a way of getting in touch with the one and only Higher Power, Jesus Christ.

The open share small groups meet immediately after the large group meeting and provides a place for the participant to  connect with Celebrate Recovery attendees.  This is a safe place where participants  can be in gender-specific groups and issue-specific groups.

Newcomers 101 is for the first time attendees and will help you better understand the opportunity to ask questions or process your feelings in a safe environment before you make a commitment to a small group.

While some  recovery programs only deal with drugs or  alcohol, Celebrate Recovery works to address all kinds of "habits, hurts and hang-ups."

Below are the definitions of the 3 different focus groups.  Please read them and, If this sounds like something that you would be interested in please answer the  below questions.

*We are also in need of volunteers to help in a variety of areas, if interested in helping please scroll down to see what is available and to sign up if interested in helping.

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