Queer in AI @ ICML 2023: Event Sign-In Survey
Please note that most fields below are optional. We also strongly encourage you to fill out the Queer in AI Demographics Survey (https://www.jotform.com/form/222480720967056) which provides QinAI with information about our community we use to help advocate for LGBTQ+ people in AI.

The QinAI code of conduct is here: https://sites.google.com/view/queer-in-ai/code-of-conduct?authuser=0

You can find information about Queer in AI @ ICML 2023 events here: https://sites.google.com/view/queer-in-ai/acl-2022

Please note only the organizers have access to the information collected in this survey, and will delete all the information other than email addresses once ICML 2023 ends. Please only provide information you would entrust to people from these groups. In addition, never entrust potentially vulnerable computer systems with information that could endanger you. This form is not owned by Google

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the process or don't want to entrust your personal information to a Google document, you can reach out to the Queer in AI organizers directly via the webpage or by email  (queerinai@gmail.com).
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First Name
Last Name
Are you currently in Academia or Industry?
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Academic or Industry Affiliation (School or Company Name)
Academic Subject Area or Industry Job Title (ex: Masters in CS, Research Engineer, etc)
Are you interested in
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Link to Resume or LinkedIn
May we share this information with recruiters from our sponsors, which include Google?
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Would you like to be added to the Queer in AI Mailing List to be informed of future events or other opportunities (such as call for speakers)? *
Do you agree to the Code of Conduct? *
Please take some time to read the code of conduct before joining the social: https://sites.google.com/view/queer-in-ai/code-of-conduct?authuser=0
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