Online Test: 20th Century English Literature: The Modernist Literature (2022-23)
This quiz is based on the classroom discussion on the background reading of the 20th Century Literature
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1. Which of the following sentence captures the spirit of the 20th century? *
2 points
2. Which of the following sentence does not represent 20th century zeitgeist? *
2 points
3. Is this sentence true about the 20th century generation? "What the Victorians had considered beautiful their children and grandchildren thought hideous. Th treasured bric-a-brac of Victorian mantelshelves and whatnot was thrown into Edwardian and Georgian dustbins. *
1 point
4. Is this true about the 20th century generation? "However the post-Victorian generation disliked the furnishing of Victorian household, they were more in love of the furnishing of Victorian 'Minds. *
1 point
5. In the Modern Age, there was a widespread and willing submission to the rule of the Expert, the Voice of Authority was accepted in religion, in politics, in literature, in family life. Do you agree? *
1 point
6. To some, during Modern Age, the Voice of _________________ sounded more credible and more authoritative than the Voice of ______________ . *
1 point
7. "Victorian faith and morality may have been unflawed on the surface, but to early twentieth-century minds they seemed often to lack any core of personally realized conviction - to be mere second-hand clothing of the mind and spirit." Do you agree? *
1 point
8. Is it true to say that the 20th cen youth believed in living in a house built on unshakable foundations and established in perpetuity. The Home, the Constitution, the Empire, the Christian religion - each of these, in its own form and degree, was taken as a final revelation." *
1 point
9. Who displaced the Victorian idea of permanence of institution by the sense of a universal mutability in works like 'The World of William Clissold' and 'Meanwhile' *
1 point
10. Which of the following is said by H.G. Wells? *
1 point
11.Which of the following is said by G.B. Shaw? *
1 point
12. Which of the following sentence/s was spoken by Andrew Undershaft in G.B. Shaw's 'Major Barbara'? *
1 point
13. The revolt from Victorianism - from its sense of stability, its striving for order, its consciousness of dignity - created for the multitude only __________ . *
1 point
14. Which of the following fiction was written by Samuel Butler in 1872 that attached on Victorianism and it means 'nowhere'? *
1 point
15. It was founded in 1884 for 'the general dissemination of knowledge as to the relation between the individual and society in its economic, ethical, and political aspects', and the end-result of this dissemination was to be 'the spread of Socialist opinions'. *
1 point
16. Through out the period between the two world wars, the growth of mass production threatened the death of craftsmanship. The approved novels and plays of the 1950s either ignored or of set purpose flouted literary craftmanship. Art gave place to 'anti-Art', and under the anti-Art banner chaotic production needed no apology or defence.: chaos had indeed come, bringing its high priests and devotees." Who were these high priests and devotees? *
1 point
17. These writers represent the dictatorial intellectualism of the time which was rooted in contempt for normal intelligene/ *
1 point
18. Do you agree: "As a branch of the Humanities, literature has a recreative function which intellectual arrogance can only blight"? *
This is non-graded question. There is no fix answer for this.
19. The 20th century literature witnessed emergence of 'anti-hero'. The frustrated hero who is 'Angry Young Man'. This tag is also used for the playwrights. In which of the following pairs are these writers-characters represented? *
1 point
20. These writers (Virginial Woolf, E M Forster, Lytton Strachey, Roger Fry, Vanessa Stephen) belong to which of the following group? *
1 point
21. _____________________ though mainly concerned to define the nature of goodness, had much to say also about the relationship between beauty and 'intrinsic value'. *
1 point
22. Who said: "There are two chief reasons for Escapism. We may retire to our towers because we are afraid . . . But there is another motive for retreat. Boredom, disgust, indignation against the herd, the community, and the world: the conviction that sometimes comes to the solitary individual that his solitude gives him something finer and greater than he gets when he merges in the multitude." *
1 point
23. Whose writings though might be regarded unsympathetically as the product of spiritual morbidity or of mental sickness, were more commonly accepted as presentations, sometimes symbolic, of man's dire need of redemption? *
1 point
24. The insurgent young of the late 1940s and the early 1950s were described as rebels without a cause. They abandoned all respectable inhibitions and taboos, indulging in such impulses as promiscuous sexuality and drug addiction, and lying as homeless tramps. This generation is know as? *
1 point
25. The Beat Generation found their representation is books like . . . . *
1 point
26. About 'Satire' in the 20th century, which of the following sentence/s is/are correct? *
1 point
27. Writers, artists, filmmakers, or musicians whose work is innovative, experimental, or unconventional, considered as a group - is/are known as __________ *
1 point
Identify this image
28. Identify above given image. *
1 point
29. Wars significantly altered political, geographical, financial and social relations. If WW-I reiterated the issue of territorial conquest, WW-II underscored the ease of destruction, the extent of human suffering and the power of mindless technology. During which of the following years these World Wars took place? *
1 point
30. Which of the following has/have deep impact on the literature of 20th Century? *
1 point
31. Which of the following represented the War Poets between two World Wars? *
1 point
32. Which of the following works explored the life of a young Irish boy who is almost Indian - his involvement in two projects - helping old lama and spying for British Empire - deals with the theme of the Empire's benevolence and protection, its conquests and controls over India. *
1 point
33. Which of the following works explored the idea that humanism must battle and win against racism and cultural differences. The Universal and secular humanism is embodied in Mrs. Moore and Fielding (characters in this work), who try to ignore their religious, cultural and racial specificities and prejudices, even when faced with an equally adamant Indian prejudice in Professor Godbole - the writer is not very sympathetic to the English, and criticizes them for being callous and ignorant about India and Indians. *
1 point
34. He was the first major critic of Shakespeare in the 20th century. He is well-known for his emphasis of character above all in Shakespeare. *
1 point
35. Which of the following sentence/s is/are NOT true about Virginia Woolf? *
1 point
36. Which of the following features are found in 20th century fiction? *
1 point
37. Big Brother is Watching You; The party's three point slogan - 'War is Peace'; 'Freedom is Slavery' and 'Ignorance is Strength'. Can you identify the dystopic novel? *
1 point
38. Are these works (A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916); Ulysses (1922); Finnegans Wake (1939) written by one writer?
1 point
Clear selection
39. Which of the following sentence is NOT true about the novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man? *
1 point
40. Whose fictional oeuvre is concerned with outlawed life of the senses, pleasure and desire i.e. under the influnce of Frued, believed that civiliation is built on a denial of the instinct; culture consists in denying the drives, particularly the sexual drives, in human beings and henceforth some of his/her writings were banned? *
1 point
41. Which of the following sentence/s are NOT TRUE about Aldous Huxley? *
1 point
42. If Huxley's fiction created utopian and dystopian worlds based on a vision of technology, the works of the Anglo-Irish __________ offered a fantasy created out of a more religious visions. *
1 point
43. The Campus Novel - also known as the University Novel, the genre was inaugurated by ________. Later writers included ________, _______ , and ________ . It deals with University life; mocks pretentiousness of the academics; questions research, funding and politics of theory. Some of the novels are accused of being sexist - and most reflect anxiety in Universities about the fate of the humanities, the ethics of research and the politics of appointments. *
1 point
44. Whose which work was rejected 21 times and is rooted in a dark, misanthropic vision of humanity and civilization. *
1 point
45. Among Popular literary writers, this writer is translated in most of the languages and is known as the 'Queen of the Crime'. *
1 point
46. Among the most popular novelists from Britain, _________________ is known for __________ - a story of ambition, power and ruthlessness involving two men, William Lowell Kane and Abel Rosnovski. *
1 point
47. Who gave the slogan for the entire genere of war poetry: 'My subject is war, and the pity of war. The Poetry is in the pity'? *
1 point
48. This poet was influenced by sociolist thought, until it was disillusioned with versions of socialism because of the totalitarian regimes of Hitler and Stalin. He wrote about war, culture, morality, workers and humanity. His major poems are 'September 1, 1939; In Memory of W B Yeats; The Shield of Achilles. *
1 point
49. Name the movement in which poets like Dylan Thomas, David Gascoyne, Herbert Read, George Barker etc made extesive use of violent, vibrant images and surrealism. The vision in much of these poets included trauma, death and decay- and an extremely violent juxtaposition of images, some of which were criticised as immoral. *
1 point
50. Modern drama owes a great deal to the efforts of the Irish playwrights. This playwright with his infamous Playboy of the Western World created a riot on its opening night in Dublin in 1907. *
1 point
51. "Angry Young Man' is a term used to describe a group of writers (mainly dramatists and novelists) in the 1950s. Which of the following sentence/s is/are TRUE description of 'Angry Young Man'? *
2 points
52. Identify the writer and the name of this verse play: This play invokes the past to comment on the present. The courage, conflict and clash with authority to call for a rebellion against the perversion of the Catholic church in recent times. The play is about the slow erosion of Christian ideal and ideals by fascism and Nazism. *
1 point
53. Which of the following writers supported British Imperialism in India? *
1 point
54. Which of the following poems of T.S. Eliot ends with the lines "Datta, Dayadhvam, Damayata, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti"? *
1 point
55. James Joyce's Ulysses is based on the narrative pattern of _______ *
1 point
56. The phrase 'religion of the blood' is associated with_____ *
1 point
57. "The law is what it is - a majestic edifice sheltering all of us, each stone of which rests on another". In which play of Galsworthy do these lines occur? *
1 point
58. Who is the author of ' Of Human Bondage'? *
1 point
59. Who said: "For art's sake alone I would not face the toil of writing a single sentence'? *
1 point
60. The Seven Types of Ambiguity' was written by _________- *
1 point
61. Who was believed to be "a classicist in literature, royalist in politics and anglo-catholic in religion"? *
1 point
62. In which verse-form is the entire poem 'The Waste Land' written? *
1 point
63 to 70 *
8 points
The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
The Invisible Man
The Home Coming
The Second Coming
An Inspector Calls
Apple Cart
Heart of Darkness
T S Eliot
G B Shaw
George Orwell
W B Yeats
Joseph Conrad
Harold Pinter
H. G. Wells
J B Priestley
71. Which of the following arrangements of the poets is chronologically correct according to their year of birth? *
1 point
72. Which of the following arrangements of literary works is chronologically correct according to their dates of publication? *
1 point
73. A Character in Virginia Woolf's novel changes his sex. Which is that novel? *
1 point
74. D.H. Lawrence's Lady Chatterly's Lover is generally called an obscene novel. Why? *
1 point
75. Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,  Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment Seat;  But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,  When two strong men stand face to face, tho’ they come from the ends of the earth!  Whose lines are these? *
1 point
76 to 82 *
7 points
The Return of Ulysses
The Forsyte Saga
The Time Machine
The Jungle Book
Four Quartets
Robert Bridges
G B Shaw
W B Yeats
John Galsworthy
Rudyard Kipling
H G Wells
T S Eliot
83 to 86: Match these lines with the parts of the poem The Waste Land *
5 points
Ganga was sunken, and the limp leaves Waited for rain, while the black clouds Gathered far distant, over Himavant.The jungle crouched, humped in silence.Then spoke the thunder
April is the cruellest month, breeding; Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing; Memory and desire, stirring; Dull roots with spring rain.
Gentle or Jew O you who turn the wheel and look to windward, Consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you.
Sweet Thames, run softly till I end my song,; Sweet Thames, run softly, for I speak not loud or long.
What is the wind doing?" Nothing again nothing. "Do You know nothing? Do you see nothing? Do you remember Nothing?"
The Burial of the Dead
The Game of Chess
The Fire Sermon
Death by Water
What the Thunder Said
87 to 91 *
5 points
Turning and turning in the widening gyre; The falcon cannot hear the falconer; Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world
That girls are raped, that two boys knife a third,; Were axioms to him, who’d never heard; Of any world where promises were kept,Or one could weep because another wept.
The best lack all conviction, while the worst, Are full of passionate intensity.
Unreal City, Under the brown fog of a winter dawn, A crowd flowed over London Bridge, so many, I had not thought death had undone so many
"My nerves are bad tonight. Yes, bad. Stay with me. Speak to me. Why do you never speak. Speak. What are you thinking of? What thinking? What? I never know what you are thinking. Think."
W H Auden - "The Shield of Achilles" (1952)
W B Yeats - The Second Coming (1919
T S Eliot - The Waste Land (1922)
W B Yeats - The Second Coming (1919)
T S Eliot - The Waste Land (1922)
View this video and answer the below given questions
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92 to 97 (based on video) *
6 points
1880 - 1939
Make it New
What is it that words like thse seem to me so dull and cold? It is bcoz there is no word tender enough to be your name?
a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of interest and exictment
His sins trickled from his lips, one by one, trickled in shameful drops from his soul, festering and oozing, like a sore, squalid stream of vice. The last sins oozed forth, sluggish and filthy.
Open readers' eyes, mind; challenge the way of thinking and perception of reality
The maxim of Modernist Lit
Approximate time of Modernist Lit
A Portrait . . . by James Joyce
The Dead by James Joyce
Modernist Literature
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