Let us know your thoughts and ideas in our community feedback form!
This year has seen to the release of Galactic Legacy (technically end of 2020). Since release, what new feature has been your most favorite? *
What new feature in your opinion has been your least favorite? *
Please tell us why your selected option was your least favorite? *
Our next update will see to the addition and improvement of new and pre-existing Force Powers and weapons. After releasing that, what would you primarily like for us to focus heavily on next? *
Adding extended endings to each POV for Duel of the Fates wrapped up any potential questions in regards to what might have happened if your respective character won. Should we continue work on Extended Endings for future missions? *
A Father vs. Son remaster is next on the list. After completing that, what mission would you be interested in playing next? (Please note the names are not the mission name) *
Tell us what's on your mind!
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