🌍 Helping Hands Mission Trip: Kenya 🌍

Join us on a life-changing journey with the Helping Hands Mission Trip to Kenya, organized by Dr. Bri The OT, Dorcas Destiny International, and Smiles for Speech. This incredible opportunity awaits from June 25th to July 8th in Kenya. Additional travel packages are available upon request, allowing you to tailor your experience.

Key Details:

  • Dates:
    • Kenya: June 25th - July 6th

How to Get Involved

  1. Application Process: Once you submit the interest form, we will mail you an application form. Complete it to confirm your participation.
  2. Secure Your Spot: A $200 downpayment will be required once your application is confirmed.

Informational Session:

  • An informational session is scheduled for March 3rd at 9am MST, providing details about the mission, travel, and answering any questions you may have.

Why Join? Embark on a journey of compassion, service, and cultural exchange. Contribute to impactful projects, build connections, and make a lasting difference in the lives of those in need.

Excitement Awaits! We are thrilled about your interest in the Helping Hands Mission Trip. Together, let's make a positive impact and create lasting memories. Join us in spreading smiles, building friendships, and fostering positive change.

Get ready for a mission trip that goes beyond borders – where your helping hands make a world of difference! 🌟

Cant join This Year?

Save the Date for 2025

  • Ghana 2025
  • Kenya June 25th-July 5th
  • Botswana December 2025

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