Belize Missions Trip 2023 Application
DATE: OF TRIP:  Approximately July 1 - 8 

APPROXIMATE COST: $1,600 per person.  Cost may change due to airline costs.

A payment plan will be set up once membership of the missions team has been finalized.

Payments are made online by going to and clicking the donate button

Those under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or grandparent

Once the application is completed you will be notified about mandatory monthly missions meetings and other times.

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Adresă de e-mail *
Name *
 As it appears on your passport
Passport Number *
If you are still waiting for your passport, please enter the date which your passport was applied for
Passport Expiration Date *
If you are still waiting for your passport, please enter the date which your passport was applied for
Age (Those under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or grandparent)  *
Home Address *
 Include City, State, Zip
Phone Number *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Physician's Name and Contact Information *
Are you physically able to participate in missions work? *
Do you have any illnesses or medical conditions?
List any medications you are currently taking
Emergency Contact Information *
Please list three emergency contacts. Include name, phone, address, email and relationship
Have you ever been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation? *
If yes, please explain offense and final disposition
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY:  Church of the Heartland, requires that a missions team member:  
1. Has accepted Jesus as his/her personal Savior.  
2. Has attended a church for a minimum of six months.  
3. Has a disciplined relationship with Christ – praying daily, studying the Bible regularly, following Biblical teaching.  
4. Remains sexually pure - Scripture defines sexual impurity as any kind of sexual intimacy or sexual misconduct outside of the boundaries of holy matrimony between a man and woman, such as premarital sex, cohabitation, extramarital sex (adultery), homosexuality, and/or pornography. 
5. Abstains from all substance abuse including alcohol.  6. Follows directions of the missions team leaders and makes every effort to be in peace with others while on the trip.  
 *COTH/GIM are not liable for accidents or health risks.  You are personally responsible for accidents or health risks.  You are also personally responsible for your own physical conditions at all times during this trip. *
I understand that any health issues that may occur are my financial responsibility.  I understand that any extra travel needed because of my health is also my financial responsibility.   *
I understand that whether or not I have medical insurance that covers this trip is my responsibility to find out.   *
We recommend you purchase travel insurance.   *
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