2024 Black Mark Awards
The annual awards for EVE's oldest podcast, Declarations of War. Nominations have been made by our core podcast community and guests but voting is open to all! Share this and our show with everyone you know :)
FC of the Year
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Doctrine of the Year
What fleet concept defined PVP this year?
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Best Game Update
What specific feature, balance update, or gameplay change was the best this year?
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The Shuttlethron Award
So named for a guy who undocked a Megathron and warped it to a gate full of war targets because he thought it was a shuttle. Which was the most spectacular fail?
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Best Propaganda

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Dev of the Year
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Community Hero
EVE is full of IRL super heroes making a difference in the world and their communities. Who stood out the most this year for their positive impact?
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The Brisc Rubal Award for Best CSM Representative
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Declarations of War Best Guest
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Noir. MVP
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Noir. Rookie of the Year
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