Fall Children's Retreat: November 2-3rd, 2024
Join Pastor Ashley, Camp Horizon staff, and leaders throughout the Wichita area for a fun overnight experience for 2nd-5th graders!

"BFFs with Jesus" will introduce kids to prayers, scripture and faith practices that will help them find a friend in Jesus who they can love and trust forever! They will also enjoy all the awesome activities of camp including a one night sleepover at Camp Horizon in Arkansas City! The Cost is $35 and scholarships are available!
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Email *
Your Child's Full Name *
Your child's pronouns *
Grade in School  *
Your Child's Tshirt size *
Does your child have any allergies or food needs while at camp? *
Does you child have any sleeping needs we can accommodate while at camp? *
Does your child have any learning needs or social needs that we can accommodate during the retreat? *
The requirement for sleeping away at Camp Horizon is that there is one adult in attendance for every 7 children. Adults will chaperone the event and will sleep in rooms with the children according to our safe gathering policies. Are there any adults in your family able to chaperone this retreat? If so, please give their name and number.  *
Does Calvary UMC have permission to take pictures of your child while they are at the retreat (for promotional and in house purposes)? *
The cost of this retreat is $35/child. Please indicate how your family will make sure the cost of camp is covered.  *
Will you be needing transportation to and from camp? *
Your name and Relationship to the child registered *
Your cell phone number *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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