Teacher Effectiveness 6-8th grade
Perceptions of the quality of teaching and amount of learning students experience from a particular teacher.  (This work was adapted from work developed at Harvard University by Dr. Hunter Gehlbach and his research team at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.)
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Which class are you providing feedback for? *
How much does this teacher know about the topic of the class?
Almost nothing
A tremendous amount
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During class, how good is this teacher at making sure students do not get out of control?
Not good at all
Extremely good
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How interesting does this teacher make what you are learning in class?
Not at all interesting
Extremely interesting
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How often does this teacher give you feedback that helps you learn?
Almost never
Almost always
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How good is this teacher at teaching in the way that you personally learn best?
Not at all good
Extremely good
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How well can this teacher tell whether or not you understand a topic?
Not well at all
Extremely well
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For this class, how clearly does this teacher present the information that you need to learn?
Not at all clearly
Extremely clearly
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How comfortable are you asking this teacher questions about what you are learning in class?
Not at all comfortable
Extremely comfortable
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Overall, how much have you learned from this teacher about the academic subject they teach?
Learned almost nothing
Learned a tremendous amount
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If this teacher were to change one thing about his/her teaching, what would s/he change? Please be as specific as possible.
What is the one thing that this teacher does that you want all your teachers to do?
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