2022 Cobb County Crystal-Growing Invitational Sign-up form
Did you know that we all have access to our very own laboratory at home? You might not realize it, but just a few materials - salt, sugar, water, cups, and utensils - can create the same thing researchers grow in their own labs: crystals. Not only are crystals important and scientific, but also, they are beautiful and fascinating.

Walton STARS is delighted to host the 2022 Cobb County Crystal-Growing Competition, open to students K-12th. Learning to grow crystals is one great way to learn the scientific method and grow as a young scientist. Maybe you're interested in seeing what shapes and colors a crystal can be made into - in that case, enter the Creative Category! Or maybe you're a perfectionist who would love to see a large, pristine crystal grow. In that case, enter the Crystalline Category! No matter which category/categories you compete in, it will be an amazing, scientifically creative experience.


The competition starts on February 20th and ends in May!! (It is virtual and free to join) Sign-up today, and we hope to see all of your wonderful crystals!

Check out our competition Website: tinyurl.com/CobbCrystals
Our competition video: https://youtu.be/uKrJoQYi3yc
Rules and Documents: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PEhNEyG43y4FMEV5G7byCS0aPiqc3BMd?usp=sharing
Questions/Comments? Contact us at walton.stars@gmail.com


PROUDLY SPONSORED by the prestigious American Crystallographic Association. They will be providing the awards for the winning students this year.
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Grade level *
How did you hear about this event? *
What do you like about crystallography? *
Any questions or comments?
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