The Top 3 Sex Talks Parenting Course & Program w/ Kathleen Hema 
  1. Are you feeling nervous to explain What is Sex, Porn, or Masturbation?
  2. Do you want to initiate a sex talk but just have no idea how to bring it up?
  3. Do you want to stop feeling uncomfortable to teach your kid about sex and sexuality?
  4. Are you ready to see how easy it is to start these talks?
If you answered YES to any of those questions - go on and fill out this form and let's talk about how to help you become the knowledgeable, approachable, and trustworthy parent - that you already are - so that your kid continues to ask you their sex questions and seek out your advice when they become a teen!

The Top 3 Talks Parenting Course is a Self-Paced Course with a workbook component to help you develop your overall goals for the sex talks, clearly establish your values so you can share them with your kid, and show you how to easily layer each component of these 3 topics. 

Your kid will have sex questions. Do you want to wing it? Or do you want to see what it's like to confidently answer any question your kid asks?

If you are curious to see if this course is right for you, fill out this form. 
I will contact you to schedule a brief 1 to 1 meeting within 3 business days to discuss the course and it's suitability for you, your schedule, and your kids based on your answers. 

Parenting the Talks w/ You, 
Name *
Email *
What's your Time Zone?  (please be specific for example: Central - is it Central European Time or Central Standard time? or Eastern - is it Eastern Standard Time or Australian Eastern Standard Time? *
Age of Your Kids *
Which topics do you feel the least comfortable talking about with your kids? *
What's your biggest frustration when it comes to providing sex education to your kids? *
Would you like to online meet other parents who have kids of similar ages and are going through the sex talks? *
If you haven't subscribed to my Youtube Channel - there is over 100 videos on how to have the sex talks! 
If there is anything else you would like to let me know - go on a let me know below. After submitting this form, I will be in touch within 3 business days. If you do not receive an email from me by that time, check your spam or the email provided was invalid. 
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