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YI 2022 Application Form
Bhutan Centre for Media and Democracy is calling out for interested youth to sign up for the 2022 YI summer camp.
* Indicates required question
Your answer
Your answer
Active Contact number
Your answer
I will be available in the following week
Please tick all the options that applies to your availability, if both timeline is not an option but you are interested please specify when you would be free for the summer YI camp.
20th July - 30th July
1st August - 7th August
Highest Education Level
If both the option doesn't apply to you, please specify your highest education level in "Other" option
High School Graduate
College Graduate
Enrolled in High School
Enrolled in College
Please specify your college/ high school year
If this question doesn't apply to you please write N/A
Your answer
Please specify where you are currently enrolled in OR the name of the college/school you graduated from.
If this question doesn't apply to you, please write N/A
Your answer
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