Goal Setting
Get ready for fall sports, enjoy the trails, have some adventures, work on your track intervals, prep for a 5k,... Whatever you're after, join us for summer running.

Summer is a great time to meet new friends and keep up with old ones.  With all the good weather and distractions, it's easy for the summer to slip by.  Sometimes it starts with missing a workout or two.  Maybe it's [hot, raining, windy, vacation,...] and you don't feel like running.  Let's work together to get ready for an amazing fall season. You could start each run or workout with a call to your friend.  Sharing goals with a training partner or coach can really help.

We'll have track workout days on Tuesday, a trail run Thursdays, and possibly Saturday morning long runs together.

Let's set those goals and get started on your training plan for this Summer.  

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