Registration for Let's Connect Learning Clinic
Welcome! This form will allow us to confirm your participation on Thursday December 15th from 17:00 - 18:30 UTC and best prepare to make your experience great. 😎

👉 What is this Learning Clinic for?
- Affiliates or groups that have formal organizational structures and want to consider diversity, equity and inclusion in their structures and practices. 

👉 But, what if I don't have any knowledge about this? 🤔
It is an open discussion to learn more about DEI practices in governance, but participants should be part of ORGANIZED groups that already have or are planning to have governance structures in the near future (ie. board, core organizing team based on staff and volunteers, etc). 

👉 Pre-session reading:
- Before the session, try to look through the session plan to know what is going to happen 

Emails collected will only be viewed by the Learning Clinic organisers for sending the invite and zoom link. Here is the published statement:
E-mail *
Name or Wikimedia Username *
Name of the affiliate or organised group you are part of *
Role you have within this group *
Please tell us what you hope to learn from this clinic? *
What are some of the challenges/questions you have that you would like to address in this Learning Clinic?
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