Request Library Books
Once you have searched for a book through DESTINY ( and found that it is IN, please fill out this form to request the book. Please do NOT put books on hold at this time through Destiny. Remember pick up times are Tues 9-11, Wednesday after hours 4-6 (library browsing 2-4), and Thurs 1-3, or you can have books delivered via bus routes on Weds.
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Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Student Grade *
Student Email address (
Student ELA teacher *
What is the best PARENT email to use to verify 24 hours in advance of delivery or pick up as a reminder? *
Best phone number to reach you if materials are not picked up.  Please note that materials left will be returned to the teacher within 1 week. *
Title of the book (copy and paste right from Destiny).  Remember if it is a series tell me which book in the series. *
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