Rozlety: Go with the flow! Improv course for beginners in English
Rozlety: We will discover the basic improvisational principles through simple exercises and we will build upon them in the improvised games and forms. The workshops are highly engaging as well as funny. :-)

What are gonna get?
-- acquiring basic improvisation skills such as active listening and being present
-- challenges aimed towards self-confidence, spontaneity and openness in a safe environment
-- in-depth work with characters in improvised situations
-- optional performance at the end of the course

Your teacher: Hana Vrtalová

When: Wed 19:30 – 21:30
Dates: 19. 2. – 22. 4. 2019 (10 lessons/120 mins)

Where: Buranteatr (Kounicova 20, Brno)

The course is for anyone who wants to try improv for the first time or who wants to work on their skills.

The price is 3 300 Kč for 10 lessons.

The Payment will be required at the end of January and you will be furthermore informed about it by mail.

If you have any questions, please, contact your teacher Hana by mail:

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If there is anything you would like to ask your teacher, this is the place :-).
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