2024 Bellettrie Short Story Competition Sign Up
Welcome to the Short Story Competition, we're glad you're here! The competition will end at 23:59:59.99 on the 3rd of March 2024, you can sign up with this form any time before then. Submissions can be made by email any time before this date too.

In order for submissions to be considered, we ask that you keep to a max word count of 2000 words, and in order to account for discrepancies between word processing software, that you note down somewhere in your document the word count as reported by your software. In addition, we'd like it if you can submit your story in a format that Microsoft Word can open and in A5, so that we can compile them all nicely into a book.

All stories submitted will be published in a small anthology, which you can request a copy of here (it will cost max. €8, and hopefully less). The theme of this anthology will be Keys, so the story you submit should reflect that in some way in order to be valid. The story you submit should not have been published before, even on Wattpad, your personal website, or the Discord. We'll ask you to verify this in a consent form which you should hand in with your submission.

To be able to make the anthology there are some legal things that we need to sort out. In order to do that we will need every participant to fill in a PDF (the above-mentioned consent form) that we will send to your email once you signed up. Please send this with your story to inkcie.bellettrie@gmail.com.

Good luck, have fun, and may the muse be with you :).
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