Foster Application
For Pet Savers of Shreveport
Email *

Pet’s name:

Name: *







Zip Code:





Living Circumstances: 

Housing Type: 


Do you:


If rent, please provide Landlords Name: 


Landlords Phone Number:


Is there a deposit for pets:

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How many people live with you:




Do all members support fostering?


Does anyone in the household have pet allergies?


Have you ever fostered an animal before?


If so, please explain:

Do you have a fenced-in yard: 


Where will the pet be kept during the day and night?

Release of Liability

I, _________________________, will not hold Pet Savers liable if the dog or cat harms anyone while in my care, including other pets or animals. I will keep the shelter pet as safe as possible, and I understand that Pet Savers does not guarantee anything about the pet’s personality or health other than it has had reasonable vaccinations, rabies, parvo/distemper and feline distemper for cats, if the animal is old enough.

Please Sign:

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