New Client Intake - Ott Gardens, LLC - Orefield PA
When possible arrangements will be designed in "drop-in" containers @ $6/inch. On-site (at your location) installs are $6.50/inch. Cost may vary slightly depending on type & number of plants being used, amount of soil needed, and may also vary seasonally. Pick-up & delivery fees may apply. Seasonal subscriptions will receive a discount. Plants will be guaranteed & replaced if possible for up to one week after installation at your location. 
电子邮件 *
Name, Address, Phone Number *
How often?
Do you have your own decorative pots? If possible, please send a photo of the pot & location (ex: a photo of your front porch) via text: 484-619-3008 or email:
How many pots do you want filled?
What is the inside diameter of your pot(s)?
Where will you be placing your pots? You may choose more than one, make note in "other".
Will your pots be under cover or out in the open?
Do you have any preferences or special requests? Ex: colors, plants, etc. If you have an inspiration photo please send it to me via text: 484-619-3008 or email:
Does your space have a theme or a specific vibe? Ex: colorful, coastal, tropical, traditional, bohemian, etc.
How are you with caring for your plants? "Well checks" & maintenance can be added for an additional fee. 
Do you need your arrangement completed by a certain time? If yes, when?
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