Logan Lab: Undergraduate Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in helping with research in the Logan Lab, at the University of Rhode Island. This survey is intended to help determine whether there is a good mutual fit between your interests and goals, and the activities of the lab.

Email *
Your name: *
Preferred pronouns:
Year in school: *
Major/Area of study: *
How would you like to spend your time in the Logan Lab? (please select all that apply)  *
Can you commit to working in the Logan Lab for at least one year? *
How many hours/week are you available to work in the Logan Lab? *
Why are you interested in joining the Logan Lab? *
What skills or knowledge would you like to gain during your time with the Logan Lab? *
What are your current goals/interests after graduation, if known? *
Do you have any prior experience in research? If so, what did that entail? (no experience is necessary to join the Logan Lab!)
Do you have any prior experience working with children and families? (e.g. tutoring, coaching, camp counselor, babysitting, etc...)
What languages can you communicate in fluently?
Would you like to share anything else about yourself with us?  *
Thank you for taking the time to enter your responses! 
We will be in touch shortly! 
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