Discovering Your Productivity Style  
This survey explores how different productivity personalities approach planning, goal-setting, and motivation.
By understanding your personal productivity style, you can find strategies that suit your needs best, improve focus, and reduce stress. 

Your insights will help shape a fresh perspective on productivity—balancing organisation with flexibility for lasting results.  
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1. How would you describe your approach to planning and organisation? *
2. Which statement best reflects your experience with productivity techniques (e.g., time-blocking, task lists, etc.)?  

3. When you start a large or complex task, how do you typically feel?

4. How often do unexpected events or changes in plans affect your productivity?

5. How do you feel about using schedules or task lists that intentionally leave room for flexibility?

6. What is the biggest challenge you face when it comes to sticking to your productivity or organisational goals?
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7. Which statement best describes your productivity personality?

8. How do you feel when you don’t complete everything on your schedule or task list for the day?

9. How do you handle tasks that you find difficult to start?
10. What strategies do you find most helpful for managing stress while staying productive?

11. What is your primary motivation for completing tasks or goals?

12. In your opinion, what are the three things you need most in life to feel happy and fulfilled?

13. (Optional) Do you have any other personal insights or tips for staying organised and motivated?

14. What is your age range?

15. Which of the following best describes your current lifestyle or primary role?  
16. What is your current household/family situation?  
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