Survey People who wanna start business in Nepal
Many people are leaving Nepal due to lack of jobs but there are people who wanna create jobs for better prosperity of Nepal. Hence, this survey is an attempt to give those people information to help them in their business adventure
Email if interested in Data. (optional but recommended)
What is your age range? *
What is your highest level of education?
What is your current employment status?
What inspired you to consider starting your own business?
What specific goals do you hope to achieve by starting a business?
Are you looking to pursue entrepreneurship full-time or part-time?
Which Social Media Platform do you use the most? *
Do you have a clear vision or idea for your business?
What do you perceive as the biggest challenges or obstacles to starting a business?
Are there any specific fears or concerns holding you back from pursuing entrepreneurship?
What support or resources do you feel are lacking in your journey to starting a business?
Have you faced any challenges accessing funding or capital for your business idea?
How do you prefer to learn about entrepreneurship ?
Are you part of any entrepreneurship or networking communities
Would you be interested in receiving mentorship or guidance from experienced entrepreneurs?
Would you pay for mentorship or guidance?  *
Are there specific topics or skills you would like to learn more about to enhance your entrepreneurial journey?
Which industries or sectors are you most interested in for starting a business?
Are you drawn to a specific type of business model
What types of resources or tools would be most helpful to you in launching your business
Are you interested in accessing online platforms or marketplaces for sourcing products or services?
Would you be interested in attending networking events or workshops focused on entrepreneurship?
How do you envision the growth and sustainability of your business in the long term?
Are you interested in incorporating social or environmental impact into your business model?
What measures do you plan to take to ensure the resilience and adaptability of your business in a changing market?
Please Share this Form, So we can get accurate data on what youngsters are missing in Nepal. So we can help them.
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