Ringwood Winter Wanderland 2024 - Stall Holder Booking Form
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Your name *
Your company or organisation name *
Telephone number
Email address *
Are you applying on behalf of a charity?
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Social media addresses- if you would like us to promote your attendance at the event. Leave blank if not.
How would you describe your stall? *
Please tell us what you are selling/activity you will be running. *
Have you attended the event before as a stallholder? *
What is your pitch size? NB 3m x 3m is the standard size *
Do you have any additional requirements- please note we can NOT provide power and you must be self-sufficient in terms of gazebos, tables, chairs etc
Finally, please confirm that you have read and agreed our terms and conditions which are on our website. The fees are also explained on our website. If your application is accepted, you will receive an email with details on payment and the fee will need to be paid within 10 days. *
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