Application for Internship at pIAR
Open call for INTERNS

We are excited to announce an open call for INTERNS for pIAR 2023 who would like to work with the artists in residence and the pIAR Team

■Our internship programme invites young artists and non artists, students, art enthusiasts, writers, curators, photographers, videographers, designers, Costumiers, fashion designers etc to apply for internships for a duration of one to four months

■Selected applicants will work with the local and international artists in residence and the pIAR Team between January and August.  

■Applicants should select their preferred months for the internship and must be available for the entire duration selected (at least one month)

■There is no stipend for interns but there will be a daily meal provided at the residency for both artists and interns

■INTERNS coming from outside Kumasi shall be given accommodation at crazinisT artisT studiO (only 2 interns can be accommodated at a time).

■Kumasi residents should consider commuting from home during their internship except for those who may be very far away from Oduom/Aprade.

How to Apply
Please Fill the Form Below

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Instagram (If not applicable type: None) *
Facebook (If not applicable type: None) *
Website (If not applicable type: None) *
Nationality *
Current Region *
Current Location: City/Town/Village *
Street Address/Popular Landmark (to determine your distance to pIAR-Oduom) *
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If you select 'Other' for identity above,  please specify here
Pronoun *
If others for pronoun, please specify here *
Please list all languages that you can speak *
Skills/Expertise *
How many weeks do you want for your internship *
Please select your preferred months for your internship (Start Date is 1st of each month) *
Please select an alternative months as a second choice *
Copy and Paste your Bio here (NOT MORE 300 WORDS) *
Why do you apply for internships at pIAR? (300 words Max) *
Feel free to share any further comments or information *
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