WAITLIST - WIDA: Nurturing Speaking Growth
In this eWorkshop series, participants will explore the underpinnings of the Speaking Test in a self-paced module that allows for choice and control. In the webinars, participants will engage in meaning making activities that provide ways to nurture students’ speaking growth. This eWorkshop is unique in that participants will be asked to speak and share ideas with colleagues within the virtual event. By engaging in the eWorkshop, participants will:
•Apply the underpinnings of the Speaking Assessment to classroom practice
•Connect the Key Language Uses to instructional practices in speaking
•Explore the impact of holding the floor for extended classroom discourse
•Choose Teacher Moves to support student voice
•Develop an ear for language to support precision decisions.
Participants will be prompted to complete Module 1 before the first webinar and to complete post-webinar tasks.
Format: One self-paced online module that should be completed before the first webinar. Two live webinars not to exceed 90 minutes each. Webinars will not be recorded. Alternate tasks will be provided for participants who are not able to attend.

Audience: This eWorkshop is designed to support all K-12 educators who would like to explore the connection between the ACCESS Speaking Test and classroom practices that promote oral language development.

This series includes two webinars:
Part 1: September 22, 2021 | 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
Part 2: September 29, 2021 | 12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
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