<Bosnian language below>

Thank you for taking the survey.
This questionnaire is to collect the requests/wishes of those who would like to participate in marathons and trail races in Japan.
The survey data will be used as important materials for planning future tours.

For all additional information, you can contact us via social networks, or e-mail at elma.kablar@modernescapeeurope.com or the contact number 060 308 1896 (Elma Kablar)

Zahvaljujemo na popunjnoj anketi. Ovaj upitnik prikuplja zahtjeve/želje onih koji bi željeli sudjelovati u maratonima i trail utrkama u Japanu. Podaci istraživanja koristit će se kao važan materijal za planiranje budućih putovanja.

Za sve dodatne informacije javiti se možete putem inbox-a na društvenim mrežama, putem mail-a na elma.kablar@modernescapeeurope.com ili na kontakt broj 060 308 1896 (Elma Kablar)

Ime i prezime /Full name (first name, last name) *
Where do you live?/Mjesto prebivalista? *
Your age/ Starosna grupa *
Races you want to participate in Japan/ Na kojim utrkama bi volio/ljela ucestvovati?  *
Please select a place in Japan that you would like to visit in particular. / koja mjesta u Japanu bi volio/ljela posjetiti?
If there is something you would like to do in Japan or a program you would like to participate in, please feel free to write it here./ Ukoliko ima neko posebno mjesto koji biste voljeli posjetiti molim Vas da nam napisete. 
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