Become a Shepherd Heart Member
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Become a Shepherd Heart Member
While all are welcome to Shepherd Heart's ministries & services, there are benefits to Shepherd Heart membership in 2020.  For an annual membership fee of $200 USD, you get to "pick 4": Any combination of FOUR (4) webinars* or ministry tele-consultations within the calendar year of 2020.  Additionally, members receive a $50 discount on Retreats offered by Shepherd Heart** in 2020.*individual webinar registration only.  For group webinars (of four participants, minimum, or more of your ministry team, members receive a $50-off discount.)**the member must have an approved retreat application to qualify for retreat attendance.  

*individual webinar registration only.  For group webinars (of four participants, minimum, or more of your ministry team, members receive a $50-off discount.)**the member must have an approved retreat application to qualify for retreat attendance.  
Full Name of Pastor/Spiritual Leader *
Contact information: (cell phones, home address, email) *
Your congregation (name, address, phone number) *
Membership Payment Options:
Checks:  Full payment: $200/member, checks payable to "Shepherd Heart"

Mail check to:  
Shepherd Heart
595 E. Colorado Blvd., Ste. 409,
Pasadena, California 91101


Make your payment through Paypal:

Please take advantage of your membership benefits.  Neither full nor partial refunds are available for unclaimed membership benefits (discounts on webinars, tele-consultation, or retreat attendance.)  Membership benefits must be claimed and used within the same calendar year as your membership.
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