Festival Volleyball Team Roster
Please list Captain and all players below for your Volleyball Team Roster.  If you are looking for more players, please indicate below and leave team names empty.  We will contact you with more players available to team up with.

Volleyball Rules can be found on pages 26-28 of Festival Rulebook.
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Team Name
Team Captain
Team Captain Email
Team Captain Phone Number
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Player 1 Name
Player 1 Age
Player 1 Society
Player 2 Name
Player 2 Age
Player 2 Society
Player 3 Name
Player 3 Age
Player 3 Society
Player 4 Name
Player 4 Age
Player 4 Society
Player 5 Name
Player 5 Age
Player 5 Society
Player 6 Name
Player 6 Age
Player 6 Society
Player 7 Name
Player 7 Age
Player 7 Society
Player 8 Name
Player 8 Age
Player 8 Society
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