Citizen Tree Project - Registration
Over the past few seasons UpstreamPGH (Formerly Nine Mile Run Watershed Association) worked with community members to plant and monitor at least 100 trees on private property throughout the Nine Mile Run watershed.
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Grant funding for the Citizen Tree Project is conditional upon our ability to monitor and evaluate tree health for two years. In order to receive a tree, we require:

1. That you have previously planted a tree OR that you attend our planting workshop
2. That you agree to complete four tree health evaluations over two years
3. That you agree to one in-person tree check-up over the course of two years.
4. That trees be planted on private property
5. That you maintain and care for your tree

If eligible, you will receive:

One (1) Tree
One (1) 5 gallon bucket for watering
One (1) cubic foot of mulch for planting
Would you like to participate in the Citizen Tree Project? *
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