Food Relationship Healing & Discovery 1:1 Coaching Program with Celeste Rains-Turk
If you haven't seen the info page yet please see;

Fill out the form below to apply then make sure to check the inbox of the email you left as I will be contacting you there upon review of your application.

If I believe I can help you, we will continue the conversation and find out exactly how that looks to make sure this is the program for you or see if another route might be better.
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Name *
Email--please double check that it is correct!! *
Are you in prep or off season? (this program was designed to work with you regardless of what season you are in. It is not a meal plan. It is all inner work, psychology, and personal development around your relationship with food) *
What are you struggling with most when it comes to your relationship with food? *
Why is this something you want to work on? *
How has this been impacting your life? *
On a scale from 1-10 how committed are you to resolving this? *
not at all, I am here to waste your time
I am all in, whatever it takes I know I need this
Why is this that important to you? *
Are you willing to invest $, time, energy, trust, and effort into getting results? *
What inspired you to fill out this form to work with me now? *
please double check the email you provided is correct. If you don't hear from me, it is not because your application isn't "approved" for consideration, it is because I tried to contact you but have not heard back. I always reach out within 24-48 hours of receiving the application
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