AraFinNLP Shared Task 2024 - Registration Form

Welcome to the Arabic Financial NLP (AraFinNLP) shared task. AraFinNLP highlights the pivotal role of Financial Natural Language Processing (NLP) in the Arab World. This shared task is co-located with the 2nd ArabicNLP conference, scheduled to take place in Bangkok, Thailand on August 16, 2024.

Shared Task website:

The subtasks are:

Subtask-1: Multi-dialect Intent Detection (Mandatory)
Participants will be provided with a dataset containing queries in English and their corresponding MSA and Palestinian translations. The challenge lies in training models that not only understand MSA and Palestinian but are also adept at interpreting an array of Arabic dialects, such as Gulf, Levantine, and North African. Participants will then evaluate their solutions on a test set comprising a mix of different Arabic dialects and MSA. This will enable them to train models capable of reliably interpreting intent from these varied linguistic expressions in a multi-dialectal context. This approach ensures that the models developed are robust and adaptable to real-world scenarios where dialectal variations are common.

Subtask-2: Cross-dialect Translation and Intent Preservation (Optional)
participants will receive a parallel dataset containing banking queries in English and their corresponding MSA and Palestinian translations, as well as their associated intents. The subtask at hand is to accurately translate these queries into the following Arabic dialects: Palestinian, Saudi, Tunisian, and Moroccan. Participants will use the intent labels to examine if the resulting translations' intents are preserved and aligned with the original queries.


For any questions related to this task, please contact the organizers directly using the following email address:


         - Mo El-Haj, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
         - Houda Bouamor, Carnegie Mellon University, Qatar
         - Saad Ezzini, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
         - Ismail Berrada, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Morocco
         - Sanad Malaysha, Birzeit University, Palestine
         - Mohammed Khalilia, Birzeit University, Palestine
         - Mustafa Jarrar, Birzeit University, Palestine
         - Sultan Almujaiwel, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia


         - February 24, 2024: Shared task announcement.
         - March 1, 2024: Release of training and development datasets
         - April 5, 2024: Registration deadline.
         - April 10, 2024: Test set made available.
         - April 22, 2024: Codalab Test system submission deadline.
         - May 17, 2024: Shared task papers due date
         - June 17, 2024: Notification of acceptance
         - July 1, 2024: Camera-ready papers due
         - August 16, 2024: ArabicNLP conference

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Contact Person (Email)
Team Name *
Team Members (first and last name of each member, comma separated) *
Which subtask(s) will your team participate in? (This shared task consists of two subtasks. Participating teams are required to participate in at least subtask-1.)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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