Relax, Stretch, Breathe
Tuesdays 18.15-19.45  (and occasionally Thursdays) at the Kindermusik studio, second floor, Leimgrubenweg 9C, 4053 Basel.  Day time sessions, where toddlers ad preschoolers are also welcomem are also possible - these we schedule on request, so please just let me know if this would be your preference

Prenatal Relax, Stretch and Breathe sessions offer all round preparation for pregnancy and birth.  Each session includes breathing and relaxation techniques and time, gentle prenatal yoga and an informal discussion/Q&A/mini prenatal class covering whatever the class group wants to discuss.  Suitable from 13 weeks gestation.  We also hold regular "partners welcome" session, where we cover different techniques and skills to help partners feel confident and be supportive during pregnancy and birth.

Each session costs 25CHF, payment by cash or bank transfer or 15 CHF for the online class. For a bank transfer please use the following bank details: Hive Communications Group GmbH, Basel 4056 IBAN: CH66 0900 0000 6578 3666 2 or this Revolut account

Please join our Whatsapp group for information, update and follow up form each session.  The Whatsapp group is also a resource for members to ask questions, share experiences and make friends.

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I take responsibility to inform Susie of any health issues or circumstances in my pregnancy that she should be aware of during our practice of yoga *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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