Vacation Bible School Registration 2024
COME TO THE TABLE: The Eucharist as the Celebration for Everyone!

June 10-14,   Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 12:00pm at All Saints Church.

Grades Pre-K to 5 are welcome.

Cost for each child is being covered by a generous donation from a parishioner.


In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Parent 1 First Name *
Parent 1 Last Name *
Parent 1 Street Address *
Parent 1 City *
Parent 1 State *
Parent 1 Zip *
Parent 1 cell phone number *
Parent 1 Email *
Parent 1 Religion *
Parent 2 First Name *
Parent 2 Last Name *
Parent 2 Street Address
Parent 2 City *
Parent 2 State *
Parent 2 Zip *
Parent 2 cell phone number *
Parent 2 Email *
Parent 2 Religion
Parents' Marital Status *
Who do(oes) child(ren) live with? *
Emergency Contact/Other Family *
Emergency Contact relation to child *
Emergency Contact phone number *
Child 1 name
Child 1 grade
Child 2 name
Child 2 grade
Child 3 name
Child 3 grade
My child is allowed to be pick up by the adults listed in the field below.
A child will not be permitted to leave with anyone other than the individuals listed above, unless the parents directly communicate to the DRE who the child will be leaving with on the specific day. Parents may modify this form at any time by contacting the DRE.
Please check below if you would be interested in assisting as a volunteer for the  Vacation Bible School
Is there any information about your child(ren) or home situation that we need to know? For example: Reading below grade level, learning disabilities, language problems, physical impairment, allergies, asthma, custody issues that may affect attendance. (This information will be kept confidential. You may attach an additional sheet if necessary.)
PHOTO RELEASE: I authorize that pictures taken may be used for advertising purposes. Parent/Guardian  Electronic Signature and date:
Signature (Parent/Guardian) Parent Guardian must sign for anyone under 18 years of age. *
Date of parent/ guardian signature *
Sie erhalten unter der von Ihnen angegebenen E-Mail-Adresse eine Kopie Ihrer Antworten.
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