Skillza Student Ambassador Application
Skillza Student Ambassador Program

What’s this program?

Skillza is on a mission to help kids grow by exploring and learning 21st century skills. Finding your community is more important than ever as classes and social activities are taking place virtually. Selected students will be the face of Skillza in their community.

Benefits of Skillza Student Ambassadors:

Students will develop their interpersonal skills by communicating to their friends, classmates and other people in the community.
You will build persuasive skills.
Get a prestigious certificate for being a student ambassador.
Rewards like Amazon vouchers, gift cards, playbooks and goodies and exclusive merchandise of Skillza.
You’ll get 6 FREE classes for each student who joins our courses through your referral.
You will be first to know about all our new courses.
Get priority and free access to all our interesting workshops and contests.

As a Student Ambassador you will:

Grow your skills and build reputation.
Be the top contributor of the Skillza Community.
Become a leader in your community.
Help your peers to build future skills and bring impact on students’ life.
Connect with like minded people.
Be a leader and organise workshops and contests in your school and community.
Be an evangelist and spread the word about events.
Be a source of knowledge for your school about Skillza.

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Student’s Email Id *
Student’s name *
School Name *
Class *
Age of the Student *
Parent’s Name *
Parent’s email ID *
Parent’s WhatsApp No. *
Are you a Skillza student? *
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