Far Away Friends Club - End-of-Year Survey
Thank you for being part of Far Away Friends Club this year! Your feedback is valuable in helping us improve and enhance our activities. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts.
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How satisfied are you with your overall experience in Far Away Friends Club this year?
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What specific activities or events did you enjoy the most? (Select all that apply)
On a scale of 1 to 10, how engaged did you feel during club meetings and events? (1 being not engaged at all, 10 being highly engaged)
Do you have any specific feedback or shout-outs for the club leaders or advisors?
In your opinion, how effectively did Far Away Friends Club contribute to making a positive impact on global communities this year?
What suggestions do you have for improving Far Away Friends Club in the upcoming year?
Did your participation in Far Away Friends Club inspire you to take any personal actions or initiatives related to global awareness or community service? If yes, please share briefly.
Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience in Far Away Friends Club this year?

Thank you for completing the survey! Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will help us make Far Away Friends Club even better in the future.

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