CUTIES MARKET 💌 Animal Crossing Market *DATE CHANGE*
Cuties Club presents ... ANIMAL CROSSING MARKET

This Market is to promote all upcoming small businesses, learn something new in business or for fun, and create a diverse experience for everyone! A super fun and AESTHETIC market for all you cuties to showcase your talent! ✨

THEME: Animal Crossing 

-Small businesses
-Vintage Clothing
-Clothing & Designers  
-Food & Beverage (Must have AHS approval)

Information about the event: INDOOR!

✨Where: NEW VENUE!!! The Village: Brentwood Lifestyle Centre 
  • 4039 Brentwood Rd NW, Calgary, AB T2L 1L1
  • On site & surrounding parking available
  • Wheel chair accessible 
✨Date: NEW DATE!
  • Saturday, April 12, 2025
  • Will have a early Friday evening setup available on Friday, April 11th, 2025. 
  • Market open to the public from 1:00PM-6:00PM
  • Early Friday setup time may vary, if you are chosen as a vendor you will be contacted with updated time!
  • 2 CHAIRS (more chairs may be available day of market)
DEADLINE: February 16th, 2025 at 11:59pm MST

Please carefully go through the form and we'll email you if selected. If you do not hear from us by February 17th, 2025 we have chosen our vendors already, you will be added to a waitlist! If you apply after the deadline you will also be waitlisted.

Visit our website for more market & event updates! 
Email *
First and Last Name *
What is your email? *
Your IG/social media business handle *
What kind of products do you sell?  *
Cuties Market is an ALL AGES event. We want all attendees to feel comfortable with all the products & and art at the market. This means we are now limiting what you may bring. Please read and comply to the following: 

I understand as a business/artist, I will NOT be selling any NSFW or AI generated art. 
Are you sharing your table with someone? If so what's their IG handle? NOTE: They must also sign up and mention your @.
If you require clothing racks or large off table displays, how many will you be bringing and what are they? (great for us to know for setup!)
Please review our vendor terms & conditions. Click HERE to review. *
Please Note: We are PROVIDING all vendors with a 6 ft table and 2 chairs! (with additional chairs available day of FCFS)
If we contact you to confirm acceptance status, we will need you to pay the vendor fee. Please advise if you agree with the pricing indicated in form and have read the terms and conditions. *
Any extra comments, questions, or ideas! ♥︎ *
Thank you for applying!
If you have any further questions about the market or general inquiries, please feel free to contact me through email or Insta DM (If there is no response within 48hrs of the dm, please send an email to
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