The Career Accelerator - VIP Intensive Application
Hello! You're almost booked for your VIP Intensive Program! Thanks for taking a few minutes to answer these short questions about your career aspirations. Once you hit submit, keep your eyes peeled for an email from me with a scheduling link and some more details. I look forward to connecting soon so we can get started on your career goals. Chat soon, Iulia
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Email *
Your full name *
Your job title *
Your LinkedIn profile link *
Your Location (City, Province/State) *
Please tell me in a few sentences what your career goal is - the big one that you want us to work on together. What's your desired outcome? *
Tell me where you need help the most. What are your biggest pain points? Where are you stuck right now? *
When was the last time you interviewed for a job (internally with your employer, or externally with another company)? *
Are you committed to completing the entire 8-week program and doing what it takes to achieve your career goals? This program cannot be put on hold once started. *
Please note this program is by application only. Once you submit this form, we will schedule a 15-minute call to discuss your goals and see if we are a good fit. 
If you are accepted into the program, full payment of CAD $849 (GST included) will be due within 48 hours. Payment can be made by credit card and PayPal.
Thank you for submitting your application and trusting me with your needs. This is a huge first step and I am super excited for you. I will be in touch soon to schedule a brief intro call. Arrangements for payment and our kick-off call will follow afterwards.
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