Chapter-5: The Ailing Planet: the Green Movement's Role
Total Question: 20
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The author of the story "The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement Role" is ........ *
1 point
Who said, "We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers, we have borrowed it om our children?" *
1 point
The world's ancient tropical forests are now eroding very fast at the rate of - *
1 point
"We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers, we have borrowed it from our Children" who said this? *
1 point
The concept that the earth and other planets revolved around the sun was first introduced "- *
1 point
The concept of sustainable development was popularised in- *
1 point
The author has compared the earth to a ... *
1 point
Green Movement shifted the focus from a mechanistic view to a holistic and ..... *
1 point
The World's first nationwide Green Party was founded in *
1 point
The President of the World Resource Institute is ... *
1 point
The book "The Global Economic Prospect" is written by- *
1 point
"The world's most dangerous animal" is written on a cage in the zoo at Lusaka..... *
1 point
Overfishing is common because the world is conscious *
1 point
A movement which started nearly twenty-five years ago was known as - *
1 point
Why should we introduce voluntary family planning - *
1 point
Every four days the world population increases by.............. *
1 point
What forms the foundation of the global economic system according to Lester Brown? *
1 point
"Scientists have catalogued about. rth" living species with which mankind shares the *
1 point
Where was the first nationwide Green party founded ? *
1 point
The Green Movement started in .. *
1 point
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