Business Development Service (BDS) Consultants Training Program Registration Form/የንግድ ልማት ማማከር አገልግሎት ስልጠና ፕሮግራም ምዝገባ ፎርም
This form is used to collect basic data from all interested individuals including counselors, trainers and business development experts that would like to take part on EDI Ethiopia's (JICA BDS) MSME Consultants Training Program. The training program will be conducted through a mix of online and face to face modalities including On Job Training (OJT) and examinations for certification at Junior, Senior and Master level. This data will be used for tracking applicants progress on the online learning platform, to schedule examination and OJT sessions and for coordinating the MSME counselor-consultant referral system during implementation. 
For additional questions and information please use the following address:
Phone፡ 011-5-571209, 011-5-571150, 011-5-571168

ይህ ፎርም የሚያገለግለው በኢንተርፕርነርሺፕ ልማት ኢንስቲትዩት ስር በጃይካ የንግድ ልማት አገልግሎት ፕሮጀክት የሚሰጠውን የንግድ ልማት ማማከር አገልግሎት ስልጠና በጀማሪ፣ ከፍተኛ እና በማስተር ደረጃ ለመውሰድ የሚፈልጉ አመልካቾችን መሰረታዊ መረጃ ለመሰብሰብ ሲሆን መረጃውም በኢንተርኔት እና በአካል የሚሰጡትን ስልጠናዎች ተደራሽ ለማድረግ፣ የኢንተርፕራይዞች የሳይት ስልጠና ለማስተባበር እና የፈተና ቀጠሮዎችን ለማስያዝ የሚረዳ ነው። በተጨማሪም ሰልጣኞች ወደ ስራ በሚሰማሩበት ወቅት ተጨማሪ አማካሪ ሰጪ ኤክስፐርቶችን እና ተቋማትን በቀላሉ ማግኘት እንዲችሉ የሚረዳ ነው። 
ተጨማሪ ጥያቄ ካሎ የሚከተሉትን አማራጮች ይጠቀሙ፤
ስልክ፡ 011-5-571209, 011-5-571150, 011-5-571168
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Email *
Full Name/ሙሉ ስም  *
Sex/ፆታ *
Mobile Number/ሞባይል  *
Region/ክልል *
Sub City/ክፍለ ከተማ *
Woreda/ወረዳ *
Occupation/የቅጥር ሁኔታ *
Position/የስራ ሃላፊነት *
Educational Background/የትምህርት ደረጃ *
Field of Study/የትምህርት መስክ *
Graduation Date/የተመረቁበት ቀን *
Years of Experience in Consulting/advising Businesses/ንግድ በማማከር ያሎት ልምድ (በአመት) *
Have you taken entreprenurship training previously/ከዚህ ቀደም የኢንተርፕርነርሺፕ ስልጠና ሰልጥነው ያውቃሉ? *
If you answered "Yes" for the previous question, please state the training provider institution's name? /ከላይ ላለው ጥያቄ መልስዎ "አዎ" ከነበረ ስልጠና የወሰዱበትን ተቋም ስም ይፃፉ?
Have you taken business development advisory services training previously? /ከዚህ ቀደም የንግድ ልማት አገልግሎት ማማከር ስልጠና ሰልጥነው ያውቃሉ? *
If you answered "Yes" for the previous question, please state the training provider institution's name? /ከላይ ላለው ጥያቄ መልስዎ "አዎ" ከነበረ ስልጠና የወሰዱበትን ተቋም ስም ይፃፉ?
Please rate your level of practical experience with the following list of business advisory/consulting tools and processes?/በሚከተሉት የንግድ ልማት ማማከር አገልግሎት  *
No Experience/ልምድ የለኝም
Intermediate/መጠነኛ ልምድ አለኝ
Expert/ከፍተኛ ልምድ አለኝ
Business Diagnosis Surveys/የንግድ ሁኔታን መመርመሪያ ቅፅ
Business Health Check Assessments/የንግድ ጤና መገምገሚያ ቅፅ
Urgent Resolution Plan/አፋጣኝ የመፍትሄ አቅጣጫ ማስቀመጫ ቅፅ
Business Idea Generation/የንግድ ሃሳብ ማመንጨት
Business Model and Strategy Development/የንግድ ሞዴል እና ስትራቴጂ ቀረፃ
Business Plan Development/የንግድ ዕቅድ ዝግጅት
Consulting on Business Operation, HR, Finance, Marketing, Customer Management etc/በንግድ ኦፕሬሽን፣ የሰው ሃብት አስተዳደር፣ ፋይናንስ፣ ግብይት፣ ደምበኛ አስተዳደር ወዘተ የማማከር ተሞክሮ
Business Growth and Expansion Strategy Development/የንግድ ማስፋፊያ ስትራቴጂ መንደፍ
Please list additional topics that you would like to gain as part of this training program?/በዚህ የስልጠና ፕሮግራም ላይ ተጨማሪ ማወቅ እፈልጋለሁ ወይም ቢካተት የሚሉት የስልጠና ርዕስ ካለ ይጥቀሱ?
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