Buffalo Brothers Ludicrous Wing Challenge  

You think you can handle the HEAT? The Buffalo Brothers Ludicrous Wing Challenge is looking for contestants to compete in the hottest challenge in town! The "Luda" challenge consists of 10 bone-in wings doused in The Ludicrous sauce, which is 1,000,000 Scoville units. Contestants must power through the pain in 15 minutes or less. One winner will receive free wings for a year (1 order of 10 wings per week) and a meet and greet with Brent Burns!

The Buffalo Brothers Ludicrous Wing Challenge will be held on the ABC11 City Plaza Stage starting at 5:30 PM. Contestants must be there at 5:00 PM to sign a waiver to participate. 

You’ve been warned, it’s the hottest challenge in town!

Think you’ve got what it takes to survive the Ludicrous Wing Challenge? Sign-up for a chance to be one of our Fan Fest participants. The winners will be contacted on Wednesday evening.

Name (First, Last) *
Phone Number *
Email *
By selecting YES you are agreeing to be at the ABC11 City Plaza Stage at 5:00 PM on Friday, Feb. 17 *
Sign Here: I understand that if I am not in attendance my space will be filled by an audience member. *
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